The Kitchen Sink

How to get more mileage out of your brand name

BigemwbaglegsMost names get slapped on a product, website or business card and the buck stops there. But you can get a lot more mileage and ROI out of a name if it has long legs. A name with legs is rich in wordplay, lends itself to brand extensions, has an unlimited shelf life, can grow with the brand, and never gets dated (like eHarmony or iMotors). One name with great legs is Cake Financial, the leading online social network for investing. created Cake to reflect what we see as their biggest benefit: “easy money.” Here are some of ways that Cake has extended the name throughout the brand:
The Slice is the name of their weekly video show
The Cakedex is the top investor’s performance index
The Cake “Take” is their system of rating stocks
The Cakeateria is the employee snack room
Citizen Cake
was the the launch party venue

Does your name have legs and the 4 other must-have qualities of a powerful brand name? Take the Eat My Words’ SMILE & SCRATCH Testâ„¢ and find out.

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