We know. Sitting around doing bong hits all day while getting paid to dream up clever names sounds even cooler than being an ice cream taster for Ben & Jerry’s. It is. And if you think you are God’s gift to naming and would like to work for us, we invite you to take the Ultimate Name Challenge… Send us 20 names for a sleek new portable speaker that fits in the palm of your hand. It’s small, powerful, wireless, and comes in a range of groovy colors. You can take it to the beach, to the office, or anywhere you want to play your music.
- Read Alexandra’s book, Hello, My Name is Awesome
- Your names should be in the style of our highly conceptual names
- We love metaphorical names. (e.g. Amazon, Opium, Nest, Cascade)
- Big bonus points for coined names (e.g. Groupon, Pinterest, Baconator, Dreamery)
- To greatly increase your odds, before you send your names, make sure they pass our SMILE & SCRATCH Test
- Send 20 names in the body of an email to dreamjobs@eatmywords.com.
- Do not CC or directly email anyone by name at Eat My Words, not even our cat.
- No attachments, including resumes or photos of body parts.
- Do not “check in” with us after you send the names. Trust us, we got them and will be in touch if we love them.
- Name submissions become the property of Eat My Words.